The slightest change can improve our life!
Heroes aren't born, they are Made!
Welcome To:-
This is a Blog created by S. Adeel Akhtar, M. Hamza Zakir and M. Taha Qureshi. We are the students of BSS Gmbk and we study in Class VII-B! We have created this blog based on True Heroes to motivate and inspire people to follow some golden points which lead to becoming a true hero in life!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Interview of a Shopkeeper!

If they can work this hard, then why can't we?

Interview of a poor and needy shopkeeper who lives near my house.
Interview by: Syed Adeel Akhtar

How long have you been a shopkeeper?                  
For about 15 years now.

About how much do you earn a day?
I earn about Rs 2000/- a day.

Do you get any profits?
I keep a profit of Rs 5 to Rs 10 on every product, till the end of the month,  i earn about Rs 60,000. But then again, in buying the products to sell, about quarter of my earning is used. And since the expensive is increasing day by day, i have to earn for my family and most of my money is spent! After spending my money on food and other survival items, i am left with about Rs 1000 or Rs 2000.

Are you married? Do you have any children?
Yes, i am married and i have a son and a daughter.

Do you have any partner in your business?
No, i work alone though i have a sweeper to clean the shop so that more customers come in.

Do you have any family members that help you in your work?
Yes, my brother and i work very hard and since he is younger than me and isn't married, we combine our money and live together.

What kind of problems do you face?
Some times, there is a shortage of some product and less customers come to my shop, i still have to pay the bills and it gets really difficult to split the money for different purposes. Sometimes, i also have a lot of loss if none of the customers come and buy things, this gets too hectic for me to manage my shop and support my family but i have to work hard and withstand every problem no matter what happens!

 My shop is all i have, my family and i survive only because of my business and i don't know where i would be if something happens to my shop!


  1. :)...who did his interview??? good work...

  2. nice work bro thank you very much. Now i will use this for my project work.

  3. ho thanks a lot it will help me in my sst homework
    of class 7

  4. ho thanks a lot it will help me in my sst homework
    of class 7

  5. thank you i have done my sst homework std 7

  6. Thanks it is very useful

  7. Thnx it helped to complete my homework class7

  8. Thanks it helps me in my management project
